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The Roger Crofts Plantlife Community Conservation Award

Award winners 2013: Macedonian Ecological Society volunteers who worked to save Pechevo peat bog in Eastern Macedonian (FYR)

Award winners 2013: Macedonian Ecological Society volunteers who worked to save Pechevo peat bog in Eastern Macedonian (FYR)

This award aims to promote best practice in plant conservation at community level and to stimulate further action.

Roger Crofts, a former Plantlife Chairman and board member has donated this Award because he is passionate about plants and believes conservation by communities is the most sustainable way of protecting wild plants and their habitats.

The Award is open to community groups, small non government organisations or individuals from Eastern Europe undertaking plant conservation work in the wild (in situ).  £500 and a certificate will be presented by Plantlife International to the best example of plant conservation projects that show:

  1. Clear evidence of conservation endeavour at community level which benefits plant and habitat conservation in the wild (i.e. maintains, protects or restores degraded habitat and special plant species (e.g. threatened or widely used species)
  2. A discernible difference to survival of plants and their habitats.
  3. Benefits to the community.

This award is not for academic research, larger NGOs or for work in Western Europe. There is no age limit.

Application or Nomination

We welcome both direct applications from potential winners and nominations from third parties for this Award.

If you would like to apply, or to nominate an organisation or individual please submit a description of the project that shows how the work undertaken matches the three criteria above. You should include the achievements of the project to date and plans for the future, along with comments from two referees. You may include photographs.

Send the application by email (preferred) to with ROGER CROFTS PLANTLIFE AWARD in the subject heading, or by post to:

Plantlife International,
14 Rollestone Street,

If sending by email, please ensure the email is no greater than 6MB.

This is an annual award with a ten year life span; the current focus is Eastern Europe this may change in future years.

Closing date for 2014 is 30th September 17.00hrs

The winner will be chosen by a panel including Roger Crofts, Plantlife trustees and staff. Where necessary advice will be sought from Plantlife contacts in the country/region concerned to obtain an independent assessment of the legitimacy of the activity and the quality of the work achieved.